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475 gm water

425 gm Leaven

700 gm strong flour

15gm sea salt

50gm boiling water

Combine the water and leaven together and dissolve.

Add the flour, mix until combined and shaggy. Cover and leave on the bench for two hours.

Mix the boiling water and salt together and leave on the bench to cool.

Add the remaining cold salt water and use your hand to work it into the dough.

Start the folding process. Wet your hand. Take one side of the dough, pull up and fold over. Do this four times rotating the bowl. See video for demo. This is helping the dough create the big beautiful air bubbles.

Cover and rest for 30 minutes to 50 minutes.

Repeat the process 6 times.

Shape your loaf into two small loaves or one lovely large one.

Place in a heavily floured tea-towel. Cover and place in the fridge overnight.

Preheat your oven to 240 degrees. If you use a dutch oven preheat this.

Tip your loaf onto baking paper. Score the top with a sharp knife. 1cm deep is enough.

Into the oven and bake for 30 minutes in the dutch oven, take the lid off and continue to bake for a further 20 minutes.

If not using a dutch oven when you put the loaf in, throw a few ice cubes in the bottom of the oven. This will create a moist environment for the bread to rise in the initial stages.

Cool before cutting and enjoy!

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